Let's Do This Together

I don’t have a strong opinion on the whole idea of New Year’s resolutions. If they work for you, go for it. If they are only going to add to the stress you already feel, what’s the point? There is probably a better way for you. But I do think there is necessity in planning for improvement.

There is little good accomplished apart from intention and planning. Clearing the recent snow requires the intention to shovel and the plan to buy a shovel to move the snow. Without either, you’re likely to have that dreaded packed snow driveway, which if it doesn’t irritate you, will irritate your father-in-law when he comes to visit his new grandson.

They probably exist somewhere in Christianity, but I have yet to meet the people who read, study, and know the Word of God without both intent and plan. I do know many people who intend to read the Bible, but they have no plan to follow. Sadly, the reality is too many of us who hear the faithful preaching of the Word of God in our churches spend very little time in God’s Word other than Sundays.

Would you like to change that for yourself? Then let’s read the Bible together. Christianity is always personal but never private, and that includes our Bible reading. We cannot meet every morning or evening for Bible reading, but we can plan to read together.

If you’d like to join me in reading the Bible, I have two suggestions and invite you to choose one with me.

Option 1: Read the Proverb of the Day. This simple plan has been a favorite of many since personal Bibles became the possession of anyone who wanted one. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs. Simply read the Proverb that corresponds to the day. January 1 read Proverbs 1. January 2 read Proverbs 2, and so on. If you miss a day, just pick up by reading the chapter that matches the current day. There is no requirement to go back and catch up, though you certainly can if you’d like.

Option 2: This is the plan I’ll be following in 2020. It’s a great plan for many reasons, and I think can fit into the lifestyles of virtually everyone. The 5 Day Bible Reading Program takes you through the whole Bible from January 1 – December 31. The plan is kind of chronological but not exclusively. 5 days instead of 7 allows for catchup if you miss a day. The plan is free and downloadable, and for those who need paper in front of you, you can print off the plan and mark the days as you go.

So, who’s with me? If you want to read the Bible together, text me or reply that you’re in. The first of every month, I’ll let the group know how I am doing in my Bible reading, and we can encourage each other in their Bible reading.

Most of my readers are more than familiar with the positives for reading and studying God’s Word. You know the Bible is a lamp to your fight and a light to your path. You know it’s the source of wisdom and that Bible intake will keep you from giving into temptation. What you need is a community of people to help you read the Bible. I know a group of people who can help you. I’m one of them, and I need you to help me.

So, let’s read the Bible together. I look forward to hearing from you.

As always I welcome your feedback and any suggestions you might have for an upcoming Lunchtime Musing.

Mike VerWay
Pastor for Preaching & Vision