Visit Us — First Calvary Baptist Church


9:30am - Corporate Worship

11:00am - Adult Education Hour and Children's Sunday School


Generally, our services are characterized by careful study of the Bible and its doctrines, passionate corporate singing, and friendly interaction with one another and our guests. We preach from an ancient text with relevant and modern applications. We sing new songs and old songs. Some wear suits, some wear business casual, some wear jeans. We are made up of young families, maturing adults, and energetic teens. More than anything, our body desires to love God with our entire heart, soul, mind and strength. So don’t expect a traditional service, but don’t expect a contemporary one either. Expect to find a group of people growing in their love for God and each other, and expect them to challenge you to do the same.


The adult education hour acts as a time where we gather as disciples to learn together. This is not merely a time to learn facts about the Bible, but to learn the Jesus of the Bible. We study out specific topics such as theology, church history, missions, and spiritual disciplines. As a unified body, we believe this time is essential to our growth individually and together.


Some of the greatest investments we make are in the next generation. We believe in children’s ministries because we believe God has given to us the responsibility to teach the Bible to our entire church, young and old. The primary teaching time for our youngsters meets during our Sunday School hour. From age 2 through the 6th grade, our children are taught gospel-centered lessons appropriate to their age and learning capacity. A class for middle school and high school boys, and a class for middle school and high school girls meet during the time. Our Sunday School meets weekly at the same time as our Adult Education Hour from 11am to 11:45am. 


We gather on different nights of the week in surrounding neighborhoods and suburbs of the church to continue our study and application of the Word. Our weekly small groups provide our members with opportunities to fellowship, pray, and discuss the Sunday message, as well as discuss how it applies to us with other committed Christians. Each of these small groups carries with it the mission to build up brothers and sisters in the Lord by close, accountable, and committed fellowship. Our small groups serve as an extension of the Sunday morning worship service.


Persons desiring membership in this church must give testimony of their faith in Christ as their personal Savior. They must be or have been baptized by immersion following their conversion.

Application for membership may be by profession of faith in Christ, by reaffirmation of faith, or by letter from another church of like faith and practice. Students from other churches who desire to work in the church, or become members, may join on meeting the above qualifications.

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