Our Mission
The mission of First Calvary Baptist Church is to glorify God by striving to produce loving, serving disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our vision
We worship together.
- Every Sunday morning, the whole church gathers to worship together. We sing, we pray, and we listen to God as He speaks to us from His Word - The Bible. The experience cannot be duplicated in private, but must be shared with others who know and love our Lord Jesus Christ.
We learn together.
- Every Sunday morning the whole church gathers to learn together. We study God's Word for the purpose of learning what biblical Christianity is. Gifted men and women teach our children to our adults. Together we learn the Bible.
We live together
- Every week the whole church lives together in small groups. In neighborhoods and towns near our church building, the people of First Calvary Baptist Church meet to connect with each other, to care for each other, to converse with each other about God and His Words, and to chase the lost, the fringe, and the wandering. God designed us to live together 24/7/365. We live together in small groups.
“Christianity is always personal, but never private.”